the day ghost-bird arrived in my studio
I am ghost-bird
rattle-ing along
I am ghost-bird, listen
to my song
When you hear me coming
Don’t just stand and
Please invite me in your
I dare you, yes I dare
Many stories have been
told ‘bout my scary me
assuredly not a word is
spoken true to thee
I am ghost-bird
rattle-ing along
I am ghost-bird, listen to
my song
When you hear me coming
Open up you door
Take me in, welcome me,
Lead me to you store
‘cos I am ghost-bird rattle-ing along
I am ghost-bird, listen
to my song
feed to me your last
then you will see
I will forever, I will let you be
oh yes, I am ghost-bird
he still needs a little help becoming whole once more, bits of wood and wire and string should bring it all together and soon he will be mobile again; meanwhile I'm enjoying his presence here on my desk and we're singing his song; I have tried recording it and will try again together with a film of him dancing and rattling; the studio is filling up with beings from all over, it's rather exciting!
Ghost-Bird has told me extremely little about himself and I'm very curious to learn more about him, however I'm playing it cool so as not to upset him or seem impolite. I can tell you this much: I haven't a clue where he comes from or what languages he speaks besides English and a few words Dutch, he has some kind of accent and he's remaining aloof for all his singing along with me; I'm feeding him so I'm guessing he's gonna stay friendly for a while plus I've offered him a bed, nest? and he's said 'yes' , although he has't mentioned how long for. It will have to be at least until he's fixed, he was in a sorry state when he knocked on my studio door I can tell you, but we're not talking about that anywhere near him, it depresses him too much; I do hope he'll be more forthcoming in the next few weeks...first we have to get him back into shape, up and rattling so to speak and once his health and mood restored, I'm sure he'll be eager to share his stories with us - if we ask nicely!
I think you've made him blush;-)