
Impossible love song

Impossible love
We have an impossible love
You’re a bird, barely
I’m a woman, surely
 Impossible love

Ohoh my, how I try, not to cry when  I’m thinking of you bird
Ohoh my, how I cry, when I try not to think about you bird

Impossible love
We have an impossible love
Like an impossible song,
But I’m singin’it anyway……


Valerianna said…
Strange and compelling...

I'm not sure why, but so many of your recent posts haven't shown up in my feed?? I popped over here to see what was up, and lo and behold, you've been posting and I haven't gotten them. Oh well, all caught up now, I'm going to add you again and see what happens!
Mo Crow said…
oh this makes me remember how the promise of an Impossible Love is the most compelling...
Saskia said…
Hello Valerianna: same happened to a friend of mine here: I'd disappeared from her feed; maybe it's because I've changed the template?! Who really knows with these machines.....I've come to depend on them not knowing how they work; who knows one day we'll all 'be in the dark' again;-)
Ah yes Mo: in my mind I've always been telling stories and now with the studio filling with creatures from all over and the possibilities a blog offers, the stories are taking on a new form: the stories are put down in words, in a song, a short story or a poem, who knows what else. It is all part of the same journey I think, living life.
impossible love....
definately not what would automatically come to mind, but to me it's so FULL of all kinds of
possibilities. i think he is the Perfect Lover. we'll find out,
Saskia said…
I was staring into his eyes just now and felt a yearning, a feeling of sadness; I'm not really sure what for, maybe the realization we're all alone; the feeling-alone-thing is my pain.....I do see him, staring back
maybe because i faced that so early, like seven years of age, and maybe, really sooner, but for sure 7. maybe because of that. i KNOW alone and love alone and can and also so many times appreciated NOT alone. but alone is comfort to me. to be alone with Ghost Bird is oh so Not alone.
Saskia said…
perhaps I should say I don't enjoy feeling lonely, being alone is something else: I can do that; Feeling Lonely is what hurts, still have some growing to do there....



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