still lots to learn
old images, tetrapak home-spun-cut-out prints of birds combined with a new stamp from Le Tampographe, an iris! suddenly the bird becomes alive, or should I say, even more so the beautiful boxes in which they are packaged and sold, they're even signed; I ordered these from the website and they always add a little surprise, in this case the swallow looking to the right (I already owned the one looking left) and so I was able to make the invitation below: A friend asked me if I would be interested in following a 6 week course on printing techniques, 'twist my arm.....hell yeah' I exclaimed and immediately signed up. The first 2 lessons we practiced tetrapak printing with a proper etching-press and proper etching paper and oil-based etching inks, which makes for far better printing results (I had bought a water-based ink a while back which has a tendency to "run" as the paper needs to be soaked in water). So even though I think I know stuff, I'm learning so much m...