still lots to learn

old images, tetrapak home-spun-cut-out prints of birds combined with a new stamp from Le Tampographe, an iris! suddenly the bird becomes alive, or should I say, even more so

the beautiful boxes in which they are packaged and sold, they're even signed; I ordered these from the website and they always add a little surprise, in this case the swallow looking to the right (I already owned the one looking left) and so I was able to make the invitation below:

A friend asked me if I would be interested in following a 6 week course on printing techniques, 'twist my arm.....hell yeah' I exclaimed and immediately signed up. The first 2 lessons we practiced tetrapak printing with a proper etching-press and proper etching paper and oil-based etching inks, which makes for far better printing results (I had bought a water-based ink a while back which has a tendency to "run" as the paper needs to be soaked in water). So even though I think I know stuff, I'm learning so much more about the technique of printing. And it's always great to see what and how others go about making their artwork.

"there I was superduper happy after first printmaking class of the yær, fumbling at check out machine in parking garage, I had just laid the wrapped up prints on top of a nærby dustbin & when I turned to collect them they were gone! Some one had folded them double & tossed them into the bin.....for füçk'sake, I cursed # having a bad day a smug lady remarked# GGRRRRR back home I ironed out the cræses as best I could & wrote this tale to remind me"

first results before they were creased&crumpled!

above: me and Snoop in fantasy colours 😉 looking all rosy and happy together
our relationship has been transformed these past two weeks, after a period of decline culminating in two especially frantic episodes, suffice to say these included the death of a cockerel and me being yelled at by angry dog owners.....Where and whom to turn to? Fortunately a training session with dog-whisperer Gregory Pope was already planned (nope not a joke, his real name and I bow to his knowledge and pray for his help & advice) and thanks to his extraordinarily excellent advice cogs in my brain clicked and I realised I had to become Snoopy's boss, and bloody well start behaving like one if we were going to get along! So it went, and so it goes: whenever we 'go for a walk' it's basically a training session which has to feel like play for him, with me staying focused on him, not walking/talking with friends, or looking at my phone, no! anticipate and act preemptively, and you know what, it works. Much to my surprise, he enjoys being bossed about; it made me think, duh, this way he doesn't have to decide what he has to do, I do! It's like raising children: they cannot be expected to always make up their minds about everything. Even though we have had dogs now for several years, the dog-rearing was done by my husband and so it was easy for me in that respect. Now that I have a dog, it's up to me to make it work. Enough about the dog.

I enjoy watching series, documentaries and movies on my laptop in my studio, it's usually on with something playing in the background, and sometimes the moving images are just too distracting and I actually sit and watch; this happened the other day and I found self watching 'Barbie'✨️🎈I love my childhood Barbie dolls, still have a couple and there's allways one in The Dwelling dressed for the occasion.....I adore this movie and think Greta Gerwig did Barbie proud!

a fun booklet 'tips 7 tricks for 2025'
advice I feel I need to adhere to

 OBK in younger years

may we continue to live&learn ❤ and keep on dancing


Liz A said…
always we are (and should be) learning ... even to our last breath
Saskia said…
went for a walk today with close friend and her springer spaniel, we had so much fun with those 2 dogs who manage to teach us so much about our place in the world Liz!!
Liz A said…
I'm back ... every so often I say to Don that I have just seen the one in a hundred life hack that is actually useful ... the one I saw yesterday was a fellow who tears up thrifted cloth and prints them to sell as patches for mending (or ornamentation) ... so this one's for you, for sure!
Saskia said…
oh yes, I think I've seen him on insta or was it fb? lots of fun
Saskia said…
....and Liz, you love who knows what we'll be seeing over at yours' in the near future.....
deemallon said…
I get the feeling that you are constantly learning and expanding your techniques and visual vocabulary even without a class. Just adore your world of naked bodies and animals and weirdly placed eyes.

When we got Finn we learned that lesson about how much a dog needs you to be in control. Thats when I learned a household can have one alpha male and one alpha female. I also remember thinking of all the corollaries to toddlers.
buysse maria said…
Saskia , wat top ! laat me weten als er expo is / komt ,
succes !!!!!
Saskia said…
can you believe I used to not like using eyes Dee, weird how some things can sort of make a U-turn in one's thought processes; I read about rewiring the brain, as far as I understood it: having different thoughts about a certain thing (sorry that sounds a bit vague) actually grows new neural pathways, so one's viewpoint can shift and the feelings/emotions attached to a thought/viewpoint also shifts....oh I seem to be slipping into a rabbit hole here, like Alice;-)

I do sort of enjoy being an alpha with Snoopy, rather wonderful how kids and pets teach us so much!
Saskia said…
dank je Maria, zoals het er nu naar uitziet Hemelvaart weekend!



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