the dyed strip reveals it's subtle shades; the plants have not left a huge amount of colour, perhaps that will improve during the week, perhaps not. I'm quite taken by this subtlety, so not disappointed at all.
the black beans in close contact with the sheet make flowery imprints
Whenever I see Otter
sitting there on the windowsill of my studio, sitting there with his thinking cap
on, I find myself smiling. He looks so endearing and sweet, so incredibly
huggable; he is of course completely unaware of what I’m thinking as I’m not in
the habit of talking out loud to myself, well most of the time I don’t.
Blissfully unaware he
gazes at the skull, his surroundings, looks outside, notices the passers by.
Comments on their appearance to no one in particular, mumbles to himself,
reaches for his notebook scribbles something, closes the book and sighs a sigh,
leans back and settles into a comfortable position. The cap slides from his
head as he falls asleep. I suppose he dreams, for he makes soft sounds and on
occasion a smile curls his lips. Whilst sleeping his mouth opens ever so
slightly and a tiny bit of spit dribbles from his mouth and I find myself
smiling again. We are all very fond of him, he is such a trusting and kind
being. It is his habit to fall asleep at any given time, day or night, relying on
us completely, safe in the knowledge that we will look after him and make sure
he doesn’t come to any harm.
I wish peaceful strolls for T.
best, nadia
although I cannot claim any real expertise, the trial-and-error method continues to teach me and the experimenting is less unpredictable.
thank you Grace: Fine is good and looking more closely at these black bean circular imprints I am also reminded of cell-divisions, embryonic growth (I have a tendency to see procreation and/or reproductive organs in all kinds of unrelated images)