how the light changes everything

'Grace does(n't) do White' lain on table, opaque
hanging in window, transparant

 as the white part of the piece is woven there are many 'holes' some of which have been patched with odd bits that were lying about; the small square above was sewn on on the 'front', the half circle on the bottom was sewn on on the 'back' over a hole in the black fabric; I sewed on the back so the stitches which are seen on the 'front' are less controlled, what I mean is I can steer the needle on the side I'm working on, less so on the side I don't see; I want the kind of randomness of the unseen-as-I-work stitches:


blue speck sewn on on the 'back' 
blue speck seen from 'back
light square sewn on on the 'front' over a tear in coloured fabric
the piece can hang horizontally and vertically

as explained in a previous post, the colourful half of this piece started whilst I was thinking of Grace and so in my mind named 'Grace'; she herself said in the What If class she didn't do white, but as my desk is full of bits and bobs and unfinished stuff, the strangest marriages do occur; seeing these two pieces next to each other I thought: why not unite them? Therefore, occasionally Grace does do White


Valerianna said…
Beautiful piece... so great how it is changed by ligth. Aren't we all!

and still I am not able to get your blog into my feed :( I need to remember to come look more often, but I now see how used to having things come automatically I am and how I've relegated remembering to the robot... gotta work on that!
Saskia said…
thanks Valerianna, yes I change with the light as well;-)
I'm not sure why my blog doesn't get fed to you (ha) maybe it's because I changed the template a while back. Certain things were 'transformed' and I don't know hoe to undo the transformation!
Anonymous said…
i am so in love with how you are playing with back lighting, with right/wrong sides, with right/wrong stitches, with what constitutes a defect and what constitutes decoration... it is so in keeping with the yesterday's incredible post on beauty... your cloth really seems to be asking, 'what is beautiful' and 'why'...

that collection of roots and logs is SPOOOOOKy!
Saskia said…
absolutely Dee: the class, the ensueing stories on other peoples' blogs have got me re-thinking, or should I say, re-evaluating what it is I'm doing; also I look at what others do from a shifting perspective, it's exciting and liberating

Spooky and luring!



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