collections of thoughts&things

I save the spent matches in the matchboxes, there are now 8, a collection is born, although I have no idea why I keep them, I do find the simple collection beautiful & fun

 does size matter?

what about aging?

how might art make a difference? 

hi Grace, your-piece-now-mine is up there with the kids' drawings, postcards, family photo's on one of our kitchen walls; this is where it got caught up in our lives, has not yet reached the studio......maybe it will maybe it won't. The small desk underneath (not shown in pic) is where I sit with the laptop when it's not in the studio.
I fell in love with this particular piece because of the details, the ones in bottom image, the infinitesimal beings of the earth, in the earth; we humans cannot see them with the naked eye, but that they are there is what matters

 title 'all kinds of bodhisattva.....story cloth....' by Grace 2014; if you haven't been to her blog Windthread I urge you to do so, you'll never be the same


Marti said…
Art makes a difference when it reaches into our soul place, or slips into our bloodstream with a jolt of recognition, a knowing that this is needed, like air to breathe...inhaling and exhaling after a journey to windthread as well as here to your place, tales from the birdhust Saskia, is a journey that marks connection. Art does that, connects on a primal as well as a universal level.
Marti said…
Typo: meant birdhut, not birdhust!
Mo Crow said…
oh yes you have it that cloth, it's a Beauty, the underground reminds me of the work of Miro.
LOVE it just where it is. Perfect.
in GOOD Company there and can keep
an eye on the goings on. I SMILE!!!!
and your spent match collection...the
best i've ever heard of.
as for size?, well, in my experience,
which has been considerable, it's
the intention, but i kinda prefer
the neat smaller smooth one here.
Big Love,
Liz A said…
Oh how wonderful that a cloth from Grace's beloved New Mexico has found its way to the Netherlands ... knowing that makes me treasure my cloth all the more with a vision of virtual threads enwrapping the world
Saskia said…
I agree Marti, art is a way of connecting.

it was the life in the underground that struck a chord Mo

yes I did think you would like where it has landed Grace

and so Liz the connecting continues

Nancy said…
So very much here. Somehow, the bird on the box really held my attention. Why a bird on a match box I wonder. What is the marketing connection there? When I noticed the top box barely opened...I thought you'd built a new highrise for tiny friends!!
Evidently, as noted by my spam email, size Does matter! lol I was just missing my neighbor's walnut tree earlier, as I thought of the dyeing of more cloth diapers :)
I love where Grace's cloth landed. A wall so full of LIFE!! And your boys...gorgeous.
Saskia said…
there's one match box less now as Django ate one (we no longer ask 'why Django?') still a mighty impressive collection; have not a clue re the birds.
haha that's spam for you, if one actually read all the spam and that was all one read, what a weird world view one would gain.

Grace's cloth feels very much at home here; thank you, I like to think they're handsome too.



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