out of this world & back again

Eivor Palsdottir :  Trollabundin


Patty said…
You live in a place of beauty!
Also handsome traveling companions.
Love the powerful music.
Mo Crow said…
those colours reflecting the water magic of the Netherlands, a liminal land in every sense of the word
Susan said…
Certainly room to breathe here. : ) What a beautiful place.
Liz A said…
The music didn't play automatically, but I'm glad someone commented on it ... once I found it on YouTube I totally "got it"
Marti said…
Saskia, the juxtaposition of Elivor with your serene land photos is spine tingling: Elivor is of another place and time and inhabits the beings of the land with the powerful primal instrument of her voice and her ancient looking drum. I found myself moving to an ancient rhythm around my desk as I listened...thank you for bringing this to us.
Nancy said…
There she is again...her song & drumming speaks deep, yes? These photos are filled with such light, movement and peace. Nice to see the guy here too.
Saskia said…
have to agree Patty, it is very beautiful in it's understated way, I'll mention to himself your comment

oh Mo, you have such a way with words....liminal, I had to google it's meaning, perfectly encaptures
this space

breathing, absolutely! Susan

am glad too you did Liz

quite Marti, thanks to Mo I now have a word for this: liminal

he is nice, Nancy



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