never walk in a straight line

a small autumnal journey linked closely to the daily walks Django and I enjoy this time of the year; the blocks are sewn together with the paperless piecing technique I learned from Jude - I had no prior skills in this respect and have no experience with paper piecing, but the paperless version works well for me - as the squares are so small I press the folds with my thumbs, so I don't even have to iron, and stitch from corner to corner; as you can see I haven't even basted the folds with invisible stitch, yet it already holds together firmly; measurements 10x10 cm
not a lot of thought went into it, that's how it is these days, I've come to rely on the cloth to tell me where to go; I know that may sound vague.....but those who know what I mean will understand it isn't.

the four yellow squares are from a pomegranate dyed cotton with a textile ink print (the hare in a field plus tree lino cut, example here) the middle moon is I think a plum dye resist; the two bottom corners are from my first square-folding-shibori attempt (the green stripe on the left, original here) upon which sponge squares were printed again with textile inks; top right is avocado dye, top left ?-dye with a lino print from the tree season cycle, example here.......

......looking at what has already has gone into such a small piece I realize many steps have already been made on this particular journey....


Marti said…
There is a soft sense of peace in looking at your little squares, the colors echo walking on your land. As so often comes, cloth taking you on the path when it presents itself. Intention is a fine thing in cloth making but intuition is my strongest companion and it comes when it is ready to do so...
jude said…
a nice peaceful nine, i thumb press often as well.
jude said…
a nice peaceful nine, i thumb press often as well.
i like very much that you led us through
the small steps in a slow and thought full way....and yes, many steps already
Liz A said…
I agree ... knowing the steps, appreciating how the cloth came to be, then seeing its hidden side ... perfect!
Anonymous said…
thumb pressing works! and no thought, maybe, but lots of soul
Saskia said…
well Marti, it seems like more and more is coming together, as it should

I know you do Jude, that's where I saw it

I'm glad you both like it Grace & Liz, it felt necessary to go into the details of it all

Dee, that is such a nice thing to say;-)

Nancy said…
I agree with the others. There is always a feeling of soft, peace-filled lands for me when I see your cloths. I sit here on the couch and can look right at your beautiful gift, I so treasure it. As I read the careful description of each square, I thought of Jude doing the same thing with one of her 9 patches...and saying how it already had so many small journeys making it up.
I have 3 pomegranates in the house right now...and a cloth diaper waiting to be dyed!
Saskia said…
I'm very glad that cloth ended up with you



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