happy new year

 shilly-shallying we tumble into 2025

let it be a daredevil year


Mo Crow said…
(((Saskia))) all the best to you and your family both furred and unfurred!
Saskia said…
(((Mo))) thank you and we wish you all the best in return!
ravenandsparrow said…
What a wonderful image! Daredevil indeed. Happy New Year Saskia!
Liz A said…
wishing you peace and much joy-full making in the coming year (and I have once again turned your calendar to January … it gives me joy every year)
deemallon said…
Happy new year! I’ll shilly shally if you shilly shally!
Saskia said…
thank you Dana! might as well jump right into it;-)
Saskia said…
peace possibly (if Snoopy will offer me some) joy for sure Liz, and the sharing of that!!
Saskia said…
am way ahead of you Dee;-)
maria said…
ik kom weerom laatst , het spreekwoord ...de laats.... jip !
2+0+2+5=9 dat is het shilly-shallying , sta op en ga opnieuw , 2025 is waard om beleefd te worden , veel geluk samen
Saskia said…
hi Maria, gelukkig nieuw jaar, moge het jullie goed gaan en mogen we allen samen veel moois beleven!!!
Nancy said…
A very happy, adventure filled New Year to you dear Saskia!! xo
Saskia said…
thank you Nancy! wishing you a very happy joyous 2025 with lots of walks and sharing of images of those walks xxXx



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