several pieces on the go

am kind of stuck in 'her secret garden' it's hanging in the studio, waiting for my next move

a very fresh beginning on a more colourful version of house and garden

the paler version of house and garden; the house is the nine-patch with a bird on top (our house is called 'the birdhouse') and an arch as a cloud above that, a small patch of garden in front of the house, the lace is the dike at one end of our garden and the blue strip represents the river on the other side, long way to go...

close up

doodle-bird continued

hmm, winter piece,  unfinished this winter

detail of winter piece


Anonymous said…
I love the large print surrounding the house piece... and the bird/nine patch and top quilt are really, really beautiful.
Saskia said…
thanks Dee, oh my I have changed the top piece a lot today (thursday)



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