listened to this video of W.S. Merwin over and over again this afternoon, whilst snipping, cutting and sewing; lots of interesting stuff, very much related to what I'm up to I think; it's well worth a listen
tried capturing the large spider on camera in his web by our back door, as soon as he noticed my presence he made a run for it! he's the blurry bit on the left below; we tend not to use the back door for entering and leaving the house, so he's usually undisturbed enabling him to catch all the insects he can muster, an eco-friendly way of keeping the mosquitoes out of the house
some might recognize this bit of sewn cloth, a detail with a dog and two small birds from the Larger Cloth; yepski I have started to cut it up.....
first impression of the Strange Doll, the light is bad as it's evening and I am too tired to try and make a better photo; more details-in-stitch are required such as eyes for her and a mouth at the very least for him
need to see this doll being MORE
Dee, I recall you have made dolls too, mabe you still do; do you think it might be connected to the boys moving out?
Thank you for your blog! I enjoy following along on your journey!