
listened to this video of W.S. Merwin over and over again this afternoon, whilst snipping, cutting and sewing; lots of interesting stuff, very much related to what I'm up to I think; it's well worth a listen  

 tried capturing the large spider on camera in his web by our back door, as soon as he noticed my presence he made a run for it! he's the blurry bit on the left below; we tend not to use the back door for entering and leaving the house, so he's usually undisturbed enabling him to catch all the insects he can muster, an eco-friendly way of keeping the mosquitoes out of the house

 some might recognize this bit of sewn cloth, a detail with a dog and two small birds from the Larger Cloth; yepski I have started to cut it up.....

not to worry, the snippets of fabric are not from the larger cloth, but rather the result of my handiwork with the scissors this afternoon: lots of scraps torn and cut into small squares for a soft filling; all for the Strange Doll

She/He is the woman/man bit also from the larger cloth (aka MyWorld)
whilst stuffing the Doll a spider attacking a mosquito fell from the ceiling, ha! more violence on the studio table, as I had just cut my finger and was bleeding on all those rags; blood, sweat and tears have gone into this doll

 first impression of the Strange Doll, the light is bad as it's evening and I am too tired to try and make a better photo; more details-in-stitch are required such as eyes for her and a mouth at the very least for him


the ENERGY rising in all this is palpable as i look and read....

need to see this doll being MORE
Mo Crow said…
oh Saskia, these refabrications are moving the energy!
thank you for the Merwin
Nancy said…
Oh, the putting together from the taking apart! Amazing Saskia. "S" is for stupendous! I will have to give a listen to Merwin...
Debbie said…
Obviously a hive of work going on at yours, it good to have you back regularly blogging, says me who blogs about once a month. The doll person looks fascinating.
Saskia said…
one answer to All: things are falling into place, I feel liberated like never before, I sort of know why, in part because we went to visit Rosie in the UK, in part because I have decided that each and every thing I make, I make for Self and that will be my guide, and then there is aging and the wisdom that comes with that, just doing what I want to DO; other stuff as well, things I cannot put into words, growing (up)
Anonymous said…
doll - a bundle of so much joy and energy, as others have said. The idea of making only that which pleases you to your very core feels like the wisdom of the Crone.
Saskia said…
love this word 'Crone' , I fully expect that along with wisdom there's foolishness to be had too
Dee, I recall you have made dolls too, mabe you still do; do you think it might be connected to the boys moving out?
Ardensgarden said…
Loved the WS Merwin, I too listened to it over & over, loved the opening poem, the potential of a new tree freshly planted in the earth, reaching for the sun, with the first touch of water on it's touched a thought, memories, "if potential wasn't , in some way, loves most powerful form."
Thank you for your blog! I enjoy following along on your journey!
Saskia said…
welcome Sarita, thank you for your kind words; I hope you will remain for the journey as it unfolds!
Listening to Merwin as I look at all your beautiful post. I love Strange Doll.
Saskia said…
hi Katherine, isn't Merwin amazing?! I like her too, She is teaching me each day



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