what now?

 experimenting with mixed media: amulet with feather, bark, beads, cloth, wire, seedpod, buttons, crystal glass; above: it's hanging on the wall, below as it should be: in the window, against a glass pane, conversing with plant/insect-world
looking out

looking in


Mo Crow said…
you're making good magic Saskia!
Saskia said…
ah thank you Mo, that means a lot to me coming from you
Nancy said…
Yes, I agree with Mo. Interesting mix of materials. I half expected to see some words on the bark-back :) Really beautiful.
Dana said…
Great combinations Saskia! Color, texture, materials...a beautiful and cohesive colletion.
doesn't this kind of work feel SO good?
wondering about the Wonder?????
Sue Dunn said…
I like where you are going with this , it has given me some ideas that I may just have to try.
Debbie said…
I totally agree with Mo the whole piece and crystals for good energy
Saskia said…
yes Nancy, I mean to write Something on the back, just don't quite know what at this moment in time.....
thanks Dana, your eye knows about these matters!
Absolutely Grace, absolutely
hi Sue, I'ld like to see...do you have a blog??
oh yes energy, hadn't thought about that Debbie, thanks; have loads more of those crystals to get to work with



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