you know Mo, I drew the larger bird with tailor's chalk and stichted following the guideline bird 1 done; then I dropped a black thread onto the piece and kind of shaped the black one, kind of memorised the outline, started stitching deviated from the original and it became something rather lovely, if I say so myself.
thanks Maria, I am! collecting nuts and all
oh haha, I knew I could count on you for the exact word Michelle; I did know what it was for, not what it was called, didn't even know the Dutch until you came up with trivet, it is a vuurbok in Dutch btw.
let us enjoy autumn
thanks Maria, I am! collecting nuts and all
oh haha, I knew I could count on you for the exact word Michelle; I did know what it was for, not what it was called, didn't even know the Dutch until you came up with trivet, it is a vuurbok in Dutch btw.
that is an exellent title Grace!
thank you Debbie