Wow Sax...what interesting work here! I couldn't help but think of your own tiny home under construction. Then as I scrolled down, it was as if all of our people were represented...dainty birds on vintage hankies = Deanna...Crow & brain = Mo and Grace and so on... Must have been amazing to see these pieces up close, in real life :)
But, I forgot to say that the first piece of work also reminds me of the work of young children and the cloth circle piece reminds me of Jude and her basket self!
What an amazing exhibition, it must have been interesting to see them close up. I am always fascinated by the work people produce and the variety. I thought your previous entry was interesting as well, dyeing is so unpredictable but whatever comes out its usually interesting.
it was an immensely inspiring, imaginative and varied exhibition; what took me by surprise were two aspects: first the huge interest in working with fabrics in unexpected ways and second the women outnumbered the men (or maybe their work didn't attract my attention as much) it was wonderful to see the pieces up close and meet some of the artists in person, Nancy
amazing indeed Debbie, full of surprises, like the dyeing process;-)
well Grace, as far as I was able to determine, it's many black and white bits of fabric machine-stitched together and the finer lines are also machine stitched in the contrasting 'colour'; I couldn't speak to the maker as she was in the museum and this piece was in a nearby gallery, exhibiting in a kind of co-production, the gallery-holder explained Ans Verdijk (the artist) makes all her own clothes and might recycle these in her art-work, and vice versa
ow wow Saskia! what a lovely revieuw of the exhibition! And it was so nice to meet you in person! As I didn't have the rest to make pictures I am so happy with yours! Nice Nancy thought of a basket, for a lot of my work is insprired by the village 100 years ago. Our village is a willow cultivation and of course basketery is part of that although hoop making was the most important way to make some money. xxx Marijke
Ow and the amount of women in the exhibition, yes it is really the work of the great conservator Jack van Mildert. He is a very senstive and interesting artist and he supports the fragile textile work. I was surprised how he was able to combine such a variety of work both very smal and sensitive and the large strong black cardboard and leather works, but he managed and I loved it!
Marijke: ah wow to you too, it was an exciting exhibition! glad we finally met in the flesh, may we continue to get together, on with the creative spirits both here and far overseas....
I was blown away by the exhibition; and, like Nancy, found the connections with your other blog-baebes a wonderful synchronicity. Thanks for showing it Saskia; and I just wish we could get some of these wonderful artworks into the U.K to see them in real-life. We're only over the river/sea, for goodness sake! Practically next-door neighbours!
Anonymous said…
wow, what cool work! it strikes me that there are so many birds. a coincidence? across artists?
Must have been amazing to see these pieces up close, in real life :)
But, I forgot to say that the first piece of work also reminds me of the work of young children and the cloth circle piece reminds me of Jude and her basket self!
I thought your previous entry was interesting as well, dyeing is so unpredictable but whatever comes out its usually interesting.
it was wonderful to see the pieces up close and meet some of the artists in person, Nancy
amazing indeed Debbie, full of surprises, like the dyeing process;-)
well Grace, as far as I was able to determine, it's many black and white bits of fabric machine-stitched together and the finer lines are also machine stitched in the contrasting 'colour'; I couldn't speak to the maker as she was in the museum and this piece was in a nearby gallery, exhibiting in a kind of co-production, the gallery-holder explained Ans Verdijk (the artist) makes all her own clothes and might recycle these in her art-work, and vice versa
is YOU! Tales of the Birdhut!!!!!
Ow and the amount of women in the exhibition, yes it is really the work of the great conservator Jack van Mildert. He is a very senstive and interesting artist and he supports the fragile textile work. I was surprised how he was able to combine such a variety of work both very smal and sensitive and the large strong black cardboard and leather works, but he managed and I loved it!
Marijke: ah wow to you too, it was an exciting exhibition! glad we finally met in the flesh, may we continue to get together, on with the creative spirits both here and far overseas....