
onion dye results, a coin-clamp and wood block clamp resist; the greys occur thanks to the chemical reaction with the metal clamps, coins and washers

there's even a hint of pink

left: week-old avocado dye, right onion dye

here you can clearly see the difference in colour intensity: the bright yellows and pinks are obtained in a fresh, first dip-into-the dye-pot, the paler shades are achieved as the dye-pot 'ages' and weakens  

yellow blooms

love how there is so much light in the woods and how far you can see through the naked trees

 the boys are back from Italy both came bearing gifts: almond cookies from San Mianiato and coffee from Rome; another kind of gift from friend M who deliverd the dead bird together with her son, her brother, his husband and their daughter


Nancy said…
Love the onion dye, like a Rorschach!
jan said…
Your colours are fantastic Saskia! Strength & delicacy. I'm very dyeing doesn't come out with such subtlety. Gorgeous!
Debbie said…
Lovely results, using the coins gives great patterns.
Anonymous said…
wish I could wrap my head around the dye-process... love your results.
Julie S said…
so many sets of eyes to be stitched!
Mo Crow said…
love the delicacy of the colours and how they merge with your landscape Saskia



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