update on exhibition

'a year has gone by, a lot has happened' 100x125 cm
this one started as a WhatIf cloth and gradually grew as I incorporated bits and pieces from other (rejected) works; the lighting is very bad....I was so busy hanging everything in place and when the sun came it and everything was beautifully lit I didn't take the time to make better pics; hopefully tomorrow I will have an opportunity 

detail with Tungsten

 several pieces hanging in the former vault; I had intended using a different wire, but couldn't stretch that tight enough and then S. suggested using fishing thread, yay, his remark saved the day....although I was busy for 6 hours almost non-stop, I managed to make two cups of tea the second turned cold ans wasn't even consumed, that's how focused I was; the pieces are kind of floating in the space now, again the lighting is poor, but you get an idea

bought a couple of old wooden coathangers yesterday and used these for several cloths, some were instanly usable, others were customised

note: there is a separate page dedicated to the exhibition up above


jan said…
Saskia!!!!!!! How gorgeous! How absolutely wonderful is your exhibition. The work REALLY FLOATS, ethereal and mysterious, transformed by the space they inhabit. It is beautiful. Well done. All your hard work looks authentic and real. And I'm so glad to see Tungsten in there. May you have fun an enjoy it all. XXX
Marti said…
Bravo Saskia*** I have looked at this blog entry and I have looked at the special Exhibition entry. All all of your work while floating, just grounds me in a magical way. Now it may seem strange to speak of grounding and magic in the same sentence but there is a quality of realness to your work that is touched by spirit and that makes it simply, extraordinary.
Patty said…
It's as if each cloth is a window
to another world. I wish I could see this room in person. Well done!

i too wish i could walk among them.

just look. GRAND!!!!!
Nancy said…
This is fantastic! The combination of the wood hangers and an almost clothesline appearance...all while floating above, beyond, and through...so wonderful. I also have to add that you've capture Tungsten perfectly. Congratulations on it all!
Saskia said…
Jan, Marti, Patty, Grace and Nancy THANK YOU ALL for your unending support and words of faith; today's the big one, duh (am starting to feel the nerves, will go for a walk; the gloriuos sunshine will illuminate the whole magnificently!)
i feel like it's me....
Anonymous said…
congrats... I love how you hung your pieces on the hangers... and you sold so many!! also, tho this is about later posts, I am enjoying bird boy's story... glad you could lay your hands on those feathers!
Saskia said…
hello Dee, and your's will be on it's way SOON

BirdBoy's such a character, very entertaining with all his optimistic enthusiasm



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