
at times I do strange things: like give away books, which I later regret and other times I use books that don't interest me to light the fire (sorry). One such book was on Fauvist painters, a booklet really; I kept a few reproductions plus text about the artists because they caught my eye.
Here 'Le Renard Bleu' by Franz Marc (1880-1916)

I like this fox, I don't know why I like it so much, I just do and hence my surprise and gratitude when reading this quote (in said booklet) from Franz Marc, in a letter to Robert Delauney, dated 1913:
'Mon art est le seul pour lequel je ne trouve nit mots ni raisons. Au commencement, j'ai beaucoup raisonné  sur ce que je faisais et cela dura tant que je me sentais en relation avec l'art d'autrui. Depuis, je suis libéré. Je ne raisonne ni devant mon oevre ni devant celle des autres. Je peins comme je vis: par instinct.' 

roughly translates as: 'My art is the only thing for which I find neither words nor reasons. To begin with, I thought a lot about what I was doing and this lasted until I felt a connection with the art of others. Since then, I am free. I no longer think about my work , nor about that of others. I paint as I see: by instinct. "

same instinct tells me this one is done, no more stitches : 
'winterstar with 7 moons and 2 birds' 28x40cm (ca 11x16in) part of the journey herehere and here


Marti said…
The green star in the center of winter star, I used the closeup feature to see it fully, is a lovely reminder to me of the coming time of spring and the little stitches in the center, seeds sprouting forth. Beautiful cloth.
Saskia said…
wow Marti: you have a great eye for detail, thanks for looking so closely and also, your suggestion about the stitches being seeds: I hadn't seen them as such! We're all waiting for spring here, today it started snowing yet again.....
Marti said…
Saskia, I live in the US Southeast, in Tennessee. Although we are starting to see some budding on the crab apple trees and signs of tiny flowering weeds, the weather forecasters tell us we will have snow flurries next Monday...I cut some crab apple branches a few weeks ago to bring them inside to force blooms. Now the branches have flowered, lovely white blooms and Spring is here, at least indoors!
Saskia said…
we have snow and snowdrops



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