hopeful shoots

a video for relaxation

 a glimpse of the world I walk in

 this particular spot along the river the Linge is a ten minute walk away from our house, a world away from the turmoil 



the tiniest scraps patched together randomly become a cloth garden 

all hand sewn together with the in-between strips


the long strips are then machine stitched with the Singer

I really enjoy sewing these small journeys (a term I borrow from Jude) and making them part of a bigger picture

together they could be a Volkstuin or Allotment, I seem to remember someone having suggested this but cannot find this in a comment, maybe it was on Instagram

 I think that's a great title for what is going to become another quilt

I do so love Fritillaries


Liz A said…
your sunflowers shoots remind me of the whimsical coquina clams that live in the Atlantic surf ... here's a delightful musical video clip (sorry about the ad up front) ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nnblxtgHos
Mo Crow said…
(((Saskia))) have never seen a snakeshead fritillary in real life buhope to grow them when we move to the Blue Mountains x fingers by the end of the year, thank you for sharing and am always astounded by anyone who can piece together not just one quilt but many in one lifetime it would take the rest of my life & maybe the next to make just one !
Mo Crow said…
oops typo that should be but hope not buhope...
Dana said…
I love checkered fritillarys, and I love your "Allotment" quilts. That is a perfect name.
deemallon said…
The sound of the wind in that panoramic video was so nice. Loved seeing Django there in contrast to the blues and golds. It is Django, yes? All of a sudden I’m afraid that’s your last dog? Anyway like others, I find those teeny pieced allotments lovely.
Nancy said…
Drat, the video would not play, but I love the shadow play, seedlings and your garden quilt...all so uplifting.
Ms. said…
Lovely lovely thrice lovely visit to your world. Thank you. You are a fresh breeze and a welcome spirit,
buysse maria said…
saskia vertel me a u b : er ligt geen aarde boven de (zonnebloem ? )zaden ? hoe is dat gelukt ? groetjes
Saskia said…
thx for the video Liz, it was uplifting and joyful! no ads, xx

crossing my fingers for you Mo! xx

isn't it just Dana? plus the title is urging me on....xx

yep Dee, he is called Django, after the gypsy musician & Tarantino's movie....if my husband has anything to do with it (and he has LOTS to do with it) there will be another gundog in the future, xx

we aim for uplifting, especially these days Nancy, xx

you are kind Michelle, thx xx

nou Maria, ik strooi deze gewoon op de zaaigrond en laat ze in 't donker kiemen, dan gaat de bak op de vensterbank op het noorden en hey presto, alles groeit! xx



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