sleepy owl

can you spot the owl in this alder?

soy mordanted cotton in rainwater plus fallen leaves, tea leaves and peony flowers

soy mordanted cotton/linen in left over dye (ground ivy, hop, nettles) plus bottles caps, copper coil and copper pipe, will leave both tubs to soak whilst we're on holiday
one the most amazing sights: a young owl, sleeping on a tree branch very close to our house, in fact the branches brush against our bedroom window; you can hear the local owls screeching, hunting during the night, so I imagine he's tired and resting peacefully in morning sun; as I tried to capture him on camera, he sensed my movements and/or sound: he opened his eyes slowly and gazed upon me, deciding whether or not I was a threat....nope, he just stayed, slowly closed his eyes again and went back to sleep, is there still......


Anonymous said…
the animals -- both live and dead -- that you see amaze me!!
Saskia said…
have to be honest here: our eldest son spotted him first!
such a huge Affirmation when
animals/birds/well, wild things
see us, look, and resume their
own necessity in our presence
Saskia said…
to Dee and Grace both: it was such a privilege to be able to stand there and watch him so close, I was moved



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