hi Saskia. the are funny things--white and light. how could it be that our eye sees white but the camera sees blue. and then, try shopping for a can of white paint. ha. well, i'm so intrigued with you dyeing projects and feel tempted to try some flour paste. i'm assuming you dye after the paste has dried and then can you leave it in indefinitely? i noticed you had commented on my blog--noticed it by way of my cell phone, but when i went to the blog, the comments weren't there. i did manage to read a snippet about your dog and umbilical and the similarities and what in the hell is going on in the universe anyway? red dogs? i don't remember, but if you have a red dog too, we must start a cult. love love
Patricia: trick of the light I guess; I don't leave the paste on after dyeing I wash the cloths as thoroughly as I can by hand, a lot of rinsing etc, and then ironing to better see the patterns; I still don't fully understand how the paste works, was rubbish at chemistry in school and the dyeing is all about chemistry, it's a lot of trial and error with me, but we continue no matter what, hey ho! bummer with the comments, why do they not appear and where do they go.....?? anyway will post about my (red) dogs soon. Nancy: it was a lovely surprise unfolding this plain cotton for dyeing, it comes from my Mia stash; I just look and savour this beautiful scar. Grace: that makes two of us.....
bummer with the comments, why do they not appear and where do they go.....??
anyway will post about my (red) dogs soon.
Nancy: it was a lovely surprise unfolding this plain cotton for dyeing, it comes from my Mia stash; I just look and savour this beautiful scar.
Grace: that makes two of us.....