The Dwelling....

addendum: a photo of OBK, TomCat and Woodstock sharing breakfast in OBK's kitchen: fresh coffee and freshly baked currant bread and butter

let me see if I can manage to upload this short video of OBK up & about, enjoying his breakfast ....all this happened yesterday morning; I posted it on Instagram, but not everyone follows me there
oops sorry if you get 2 emails of this post, first time round the video wasn't working


Nancy said…
Oh, oh, oh Saskia!!! To enter their world, hear your voice, while knowing that a piece of The Dwelling belongs to me, to so, so many...oh sigh. I have the hugest smile and wet eyes at the magic of the all, which allows the little girl in me to thrive. Thank you, thank you, thank you! My faith was well placed when I mailed off my younger self to you! xo
Saskia said…
hi Nancy! happy to welcome you in...we do have fun here don't we? it's all about the sharing xx
Liz A said…
such wonderful magic ... and I'll say again how I love that the video brings the Dwelling to life in the best way!
Saskia said…
thank you again Liz, as mentioned on Instagram I will attempt to make more...
Patty said…
Your voice is perfect for storytelling. Please share more videos!
Saskia said…
I will try Patty, and thank you x
Liz A said…
oh, this! you reading one of your little books as you turn the pages ... please!
Saskia said…
okay Liz, I will....soonish



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