walking and stitching alone

 first walk alone in the woods without Tungsten, it was hard

 indoors a lot of small stitches on small cloths

this is number 14 title 'looking through'/doorkijkje'


Marti said…
Saskia, 7th photo, can't tell if this is really stitched or just thread trailing but on the lower right side of the wonderful dyed dark cloth that looks like it has a mountain in the center with many moons i.e. circles, I see a thread outline of a dog - the spirit of Tungsten and looking at this wonderful cloth releases such a quiet joy...
Marti said…
Ok, I went back to some of your previous entries and see that indeed you stitched a dog on the cloth. I didn't remember but seeing it here now is just a very fine thing.
Saskia said…
Marti, it is him, or more precisely it is an image of a lab, a thread-trace helping me cope
so now you will learn your love for him in a different way.
and maybe for everything. maybe
for that beautiful Earth you shared, the stitching. maybe all will ask for more love
Yvette said…
meteen zag ik Tungsten in je werk

every stitch a tear
Nancy said…
Ohhhhh...he's there and he's beautiful. Many stitches raining down. Lovely.
Susan said…
Much love to you, Saskia. So sorry. Dogs hold such a special place.
Mo Crow said…
each tender stitch is so full of love
Saskia said…
Grace, maybe it is/will be so; empathy has grown

Yvette, het doet zeer

Nancy, I miss having him here

Susan, they do

Mo, I hope so



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