'embracing what happens' is done, rainbow dots for colour with white in the middle, white light; I had thought about outlining the figure, but then looking at it again and again, no, this is what it is, how it is

a new piece, more of the grid, but here I have pulled out threads to make the grid
the dots are what connect both fabrics, there's no basting

on the grey silk/cotton only the dots are visible


Nancy said…
Those little beads of color add so much, say so much. I really like both of these.
Debbie said…
I love the simplicity of your work.
Mo Crow said…
love what you are doing with these rainbow grids Saskia !
Anonymous said…
I was going to write 'so spare. so elegant', but then the more I looked the more complex the grid and its dots seemed. interesting work, as always.
Susan said…
I love it, Saskia. The hints of color and the grid - especially the wandering of the grid lines. I really love the quiet and imperfect organization of it all.
Unknown said…
lovely celebration of grid.
helen said…
those pulled threads to make the grid are so effective.
Saskia said…
thank you all ladies of the sewing circle: I am sorry for my late reply, since school has started life seems to have become very hectic, I don't check in often and when I do reception is bad, in my studio at least (another 'thing' I'll have to take care of somehow one of these days)
the explorations of the possibilities of the grid are ongoing



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