a love song
The Curlew dress is as I type, further developing in two pots: the lower half is now dipped in the copper pot, with apple twigs plus tea/onion fluids......I want to add depth to the first stains....this is all very exciting for me, I can hardly wait to take the dress out and let it reveal it's true colours. I'm hoping for what I like to call a landscape feel, and wearing it I will be walking in my self-created earth inspired attire.
I couldn't be creating like this if I hadn't met the man I am now married to, as I wouldn't be living here with my own personal space, the studio.
I sometimes ask him 'oh my, what would you do if we hadn't met?'
'look for you' he says
so this song is for him
creating your Live together instead of looking and looking...
and i LOVE the pic of the wicking from two pots....how it's getting
close to the meeting point...am so so looking forward to seeing
what happens...
this post is very loving and softens me today...
sweet Michelle, very sweet
what goes around comes around, Debbie, the circle of life.....
ha Grace, you don't strike me as someone who needs softening, however you alone know what goes on inside your head and heart, so excellent if this post manages to do that for you