small autumn thoughts
new arrivals require extra space, more amenities and so there are two new kitchen areas, a cot, cooking utensils, garden furniture......other objects, such as the ping-pong table are temporarily(?) displaced and the chickens are therefore having a game in the shop, they're all making do....and having lots of fun, so I imagine. I'm not usually in the know about the goings-on in the many storied household; however, last evening as I wandered into the studio I noticed a toad hip-hopping surreptitiously under one of the shelving units and I swear I heard drumming noises....all was quite quiet once I entered; ah well, so it goes, I suppose it is only natural: the fate of all parents is to miss out on most of the fun their offspring may experience. Meanwhile I keep myself busy with the cut-offs....
what is he cooking up? All the new changes...just GRAND!
and look so
or, do we not ask
re the crib: you know as much as I do; they've been arriving higgledy-piggledy, I've lost count and honestly have no idea who came with who and if anyone was pregnant, or did on of the 'older' residents give birth; will investigate further
I meant to say in your last post how its strange that we put comparatively random pieces of cloth together and they turn out expressing something familier.
ever since it arrived they have organised ping-pong matches, singles and doubles, they even had a 'table-tennis-tournament' I'm afraid I don't know who eventually became champion as it lasted two whole week and I do have other things to do than watch endless games of batting tiny, tiny balls back and forth; sometimes a whole bunch will play together, with all players running around the table at the same time, each player hitting (or missing) the ball and running, running until they're all are red-in-the-face and clamouring for lemonade and tea! which is where I enter the stage with my huge red teapot and pour countless cups of earl grey, and we all sit around drinking, panting and enjoying the physical exhaustion.
p.s. please don't become a robot, I would sorely miss your hilarious comments, not to mention your own stories over at Threading the Dog.
As for you and your cloth (and your world) - indeed 'soft' is the word. I love seeing the land and think 'oh my wouldn't any dog be so happy to run about?!' I see you and you look so serene. I see that cloth of ours growing...such beauty. Today I really notice the soft hues, especially the pnky=reds and loving the totemanimals as always. Hugs to you Saskia.
we'll keep a look-out for the postwoman who will most likely be delivering them in person!
we wait with a sense of curious anticipation at who might enter the household next (not holding our breath though)
oh you too Dee? I made dolls' houses in so many different spots: cupboards, shelves, a home-made modern house (manufactured by my dad)