working title: The Bird Quilt, or how sewing has led me to the next chapter of my life

Brandi Carlile 'Wherever is your Heart'

 The Bird Quilt, what there is now; scrolling downwards and see how it evolved in Time; yes I know still a long way to go............
once again I'm following an online class over at Jude's Small Cloth
if you love working in cloth and don't yet know her, visit her site and prepare to be amazed and/or blown away, I highly recommend joining her class!

a moon from Jude
this patch determined the size of the patches in the 9patches sewn here

As I grow older, I continue to learn; amongst many things I have come to understand that if I want to grow as an artist (and as a human being) I must accept and embrace what works for me; for example I'm not one for measuring and one of the things we are learning in class is working with 'puzzle patches' an inch means even less to me than a centimeter, and so here are the cardboard squares I've traced around the patches I have been working with; so even though the numbers don't add up, they work for me...
as can be seen in the photo above, the patch on the middle left was too small so I added another small strip to make it fit; as I am pretty cavalier about measuring it does mean I have to often add a strip or two here and there

As Bob Ross always liked to say 'we don't make mistakes, only happy accidents'

rough sketch made in the middle of the night when I woke up and could sleep no more, I have, of course I have!, deviated from the plan,
another one of my working methods

our house guest for a couple of weeks, a Springer Spaniel aptly named Springer
she has one switch: she's either on or off

I am seriously considering getting a Small Springer for me now, she is such a delight to walk with

the magic of thread

lucky break in my life, or how many signs do I need? after having had a minor* mental set-back a couple of weeks ago, I yet again fell into so many supportive arms: my husband, our sons, my GP, a favourite cousin, a therapist, friends, even a job coach! the road ahead is uncertain, but I feel very positive and am now totally committed to making my Art the main focus of my working life, this is my dream and it has been for so long now and it is now going to be the reality of my life, so here goes  woooooosshh 

* compared to last year #


Mo Crow said…
(((Saskia))) this is such a beautiful post of making art making your life!
Saskia said…
(((Mo))) I'm trying to be truthful here and share what moves through me, as Jude says
Dana said…
Yay Saskia!! I have a sense of a dam breaking and energy flowing freely. I can't wait to see where it takes you!
how we are so woven into cloth, how it Holds us....
Love and Love
jude said…
oh i feel your energy, this is great!
Liz A said…
measuring is overrated in my (never) humble opinion ... my eyes love to roam over your patches, all so finely stitched together ...

may your art and your cloth bring you peace of mind and heart ...
Saskia said…
fortunately Dana, these days tears of joy rather than sorrow! so no worries if the dam holds or not;-)
energy is rising high, high, high xx
Saskia said…
oh Grace the unexpected (for me) pleasures and wonders of xx
Saskia said…
the energy that runs through us all, from one to the other, along the invisible threads that hold us together Jude xx
Saskia said…
hahaha, humble opinions are perhaps overrated as well Liz, don't hold back on my account.....xx
Hazel said…
What a joy full post! And there is so much comfort in your quilt.
Nancy said…
This clothwork speaks for you...may you soar! xo
Saskia said…
Hazel I grab comfort wherever I can these days LOL
the joy comes with the positive choices i've been making of late
Saskia said…
the sky's the limit Nancy, onwards and upwards and if needs be sideways too;-)) xx
Liz A said…
I have come back for another look ... and I must say I love the framing of the nine-patches ... and how they glow like stained glass when held up to the light ...

and always your creatures make me smile ...
Saskia said…
in my not-so-humble opinion smiling is good Liz; I aim to smile more (a classic case of 'more = more')
maria B. said…
she sing : where is your heart ?
good question , sometimes i dont know .
she sing :but always i come home
so it is
big hug to you saskia
Joy Banks said…
Another visit here too, so much in this post..jude's lessons are precious gifts and you show a way to use the small patches that sings to me..thank you
Saskia said…
home is where my heart is Maria, big hug to you xx

Jude's lessons are so far reaching, they might last me my life time Joy, thanks for dropping by again xx
deemallon said…
so happy to hear about this new found optimism and dedication to your work! there are few cloth people's work I like better -- it SHOULD be created and gifted to the world!
Saskia said…
gosh, thanks Dee, support like this matters!!! XxX



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