on the right path

Imagine my surprise on finding a letter from Threadcrumbs in my mailbox yesterday, and then upon opening it finding yet another much smaller blue one within; wondering what it might contain, I excitedly tore it open to discover these  soft treasures: 9 Silk Summer Flowers from Jude! I smiled a huge smile; I felt sooooooo happy and grateful.
I am now wondering, fretting even, about how I might use them, feeling a slight trepidation: not wanting to waste them by not using them and not wanting to ruin them by using them the wrong way. 'Oh, don't be a pussy, Saskia', Frog murmurs, 'What can go wrong?'
He's so right of course, albeit not very subtle.
Feels like things are converging for the better. How serendipitous: the plant below finally blossoming after many years in this pot and me having taken a photograph just a couple of days ago, buying a new one last Thursday and the stamp on Jude's envelope: all the same plant, Echeveria.
How I have been dyeing with colours these days, realising how much I need colour to brighten up my life.

gifted beige linen/rayon trousers in a bundle, just before they were dyed in dye-remnant from the two blouses further down below

new plant


after dyeing and rinsing: the commercial dye-remnant turned out a lot paler than I had previously imagined, I do like it though

two blouses had become too dodgy-smudgy looking with the natural dyes, so I wasn't wearing them anymore and I therefore decided to over-dye them with commercial dyes, as I have been having great results with Dylon Navy Blue on old and/or second-hand items of clothing; first effort was a night of wicking in a mixture of Dylon Tulip Red/Navy Blue and something or other Violet; too purple and pink for my taste, especially around the collar, did not like that at all! So, after a thorough wash and having added Jeans Blue to the brew, they had to endure yet another night's wicking and turned out dark and gutsy, this was more like it.

I love the Turneresque landscapes

I also like how the natural dye results still manage to shine through in places

all in all a success

me wearing the pants today with a jumper which once was a pale beige and which has had a NavyBlue treatment as well!


Ms. said…
What a beautiful roll you are on. Riding the wave of gratitude and grace. Lovely lovely lovely.
Nancy said…
Saskia~ There is so much returning to calm, to You here...I love that! Your slight trepidation is me all of the time and perhaps part of the reason I have not really dug into my fabric here. Stuck. I love your gutsy clothing and why not?!! Welcome home my friend. I am so grateful you are here. xo
Lovely results Saskia!
you are the QUEEN of wicking...always have been...so good
to see it happening here
Dana said…
Wow Wow. How beautiful! You really got great results.
Patty said…
Dyeing involves magic and your results are proof!



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