spaceship earth

thank you Julie for pointing me towards this particular collection of Mary Oliver's poems
'Though the worms kept biting and pinching
I fell in love with this star.
I stared at it every night -
that light so clear and far.
Listen, a junkyard puppy
learns quickly how to dream.
Listen, whatever you see and love -
that's where you are.'
Sam Lee Blackbird
How, pray tell, did you accomplish that amazing map of the world dye? It is most beauteous!
P.S. Went to see the Mystiqueros last night and thought of you ...
i like them all , pic. 5 and 8 are like a map even 3 ask for use me i have a lot of potential
lieve groet M.
well Liz, I set out to get a completely different result using half of a metal lampshade with an intricate design, however none of the curlicues materialized and boy am I glad they didn't as I Love the cloth-map that we see here; ah those Mystiqueros guys, still up to their usual tricks?? how nice of you to think of me!
hi Dana, the eerie feel of the bare trees was echoed beautifully in the video, I simply could not resist.
and as both you and Mo have commented: the map is indeed inviting, just like 'real' maps, the mind starts to wander instinctively....
oh Nancy, it is good to be missed...and yes I am very busy, in a good way I hasten to add, however time alone in the studio is a luxury, I hope one day there will be more
quite Suzanna, a map transports one to another world!
dank je M. ik ben er heel content mee, nu nog naaien
you'll just have to stop mentioning them then Julie, because I have no intention of stopping, haha;
oh you will enjoy this read
Marti, both are gifts of course, although the one with the circles came out more as I had been able to foresee than the map, which, as I mentioned in the answer to Liz's comment, turned out completely different from what I had anticipated as the metal lampshade left no imprint whatsoever. I love the idea of wizardry being involved in the dyeing process.
yes Michelle, a piece of copper pipe was in there as well as many coins - however I'm not sure they still contain copper - plus the bucket itself is part brass, part copper; I must take photos of all of these dyeing utensils a.s.a.p.
how excellent that you're considering be dyeing as well, there must be many plant-dye-ingredients in NY; have just seen an interesting city dweller's website on fb, her name's Arja Hop, she is an artist whose latest project is all about making dyes from plants growing in her home town Amsterdam, I've shared it on fb
thank you all for commenting and letting me know you still check in from time to time, as my posting has become a lot less frequent...I will be back, I promise And make the effort to visit you as well.....much love from me to you
Love all this. It's worth waiting for.
Your maps are mysterious and beautiful.