easterly winds opening the mind

cold and bleak out today, winds blowing in from the east brrrr

in the spirit of disclosure - see Julie's post here - here's me exposed a little worse for wear after a two-day bug had me bedridden, followed by my period which is not the same as being ill so now I'm up and about, as per usual in pain which is basically a pain (duh) draining and part of the deal, I'm so used to it I just plod along; so I'm feeling exhausted and invigorated at the same time, a walk outdoors has cleared the head and I am settling back into the warm studio thanks to the wood burner blazing away, this helps distract self from back ache and stomach cramps, so there you go a kind of typical day in the studio with Django lying on the floor, interesting huh? 

I've been clearing out my studio and thought it looked a lot emptier, it certainly feels that way, but looking at these images made just five minutes ago I'm not so sure?!

managed to get a bit more stitching done on this autumn-walk piece; I was so chuffed with the small almost invisible basting on the right blue bit, I did the same on the left pinkish bit and on the two-moon square above the nine patch...I'll probably do the same on the square under the nine patch; the four remaining corners will have a similar effect but with the stitching running vertically instead of horizontally; the nine patch in the middle has been invisibly basted.
This piece makes me very happy, I'm not quite sure why. Another disclosure, perhaps I should include that it the name 'Autumnal walk rich in Disclosure' - although that is rather a pedantic name for such a small cloth.....

cheers to all my readers and thank you for coming and sometimes leaving a comment, I appreciate it far more than you know or I am able to express


Liz A said…
I wouldn't miss reading your Tales for anything ... and as you know how much I like looking at the back of things, I must say that I do so like looking at the studio that is behind your creative work.

May you enjoy every stitch of your Autumn Walk ... it's a joy to look at and I only wish I could touch it through the ether.
jude said…
you still look great, such a strong face you have.

so many cloths hanging around...
Marti said…
This is why I come to blogs, not for the fussy, the cutsy, the bombast, the bragging, the precious BUT for the heart and soul of a person, for the realness of their life, to glimpse their world, both inner and outer, to see what gives them joy, to see the power of their creations whether cloths, words, paintings, sculptures, bone displays, to come to know a life that although separated by distance and age has echoes that I know, that I understand, that I learn from because sharing our lives is a gift that we women of cloth give to each other...

Oh and one more thing my dear Saskia, nothing whatsoever pedantic about naming your cloth Autumn Walk, it is what you saw, it is what you translated on cloth, it gives you joy and because it does, it is rich with meaning for the rest of us...
Julie S said…
Damn, girl, I should look as good any day of the week as you look when you're drained and ploddy!

I love seeing all the cloths hanging, are you getting ready for another specific show? Signed, Not A Robot
Dana said…
Well ditto for me. You are lovely even in illness and I am always interested in work spaces. They seem to get to the heart of the artist somehow. "Autumn Walk" reflects so well the misty landscape coloration your photos often show. I especially like the monotone prints in the nine-patch. It looks like wax resist, which always catches my eye. Django makes a fetching shape upon his rug.
if there would be some God who could grant things and if the question would be given to me..."grace, what face would you like to have" i would say Saskia's. I would want your face. I love your face and i do not say that as a compliment, but as like i love your face because of it's innate BEAUTY and it's Honesty and its oh so Feminine in the most Wonder Full way Femininity could possibly be portrayed and i love it that you give us your face today as you bleed. i really have forgotten menstruation...it is not like NOT anything i ever think about anymore but then i see your face and think of you bleeding when you have grown boys and a husband that i assume no longer hungers for another child and you still bleed and you look face to face at a bone creation within that "studio" space
Saskia said…
well so much for disclosure, I say yay! I don't know what to add really, especially after Grace's comment....
Mo Crow said…
(((Saskia))) the good thing when the time comes to hold your wise blood the moon becomes a constant friend instead of a demon lover
Beautiful post, full of ravishing images. I've noticed how occasionally, those who have been ill, can look almost shimmeringly translucent, like everything extraneous has been purged away and left only the essential. You look almost transparent. Hope you're feeling more corporeal now.
Saskia said…
have completely re-entered the bodily realm, Clive, the fine warm weather we're enjoying certainly helps boost one's daily dose of sunny-vitamins and Django continues to keep me fit and hiking



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