things I might do on a Saturday afternoon

like make a rickety table out of hazel wood and part of a zinc gutter, partly screwed and then tied together with string the husband found in a field; I do so enjoy working with my hands outdoors

I am not quite sure what it's for, I had thought the birds could use it as a shallow birdbath, then again as it is high (which was my intention) I could use it for potting plants; I have poured in rusty rain water from the zinc container and as the table turned out more horizontal than anticipated (despite not having used a spirit level) the water doth runneth over....  

  it can also be used for dyeing experiments!

moving on to other dyeing pots: above the first cow parsley/sorrel dye of 2014 with rust-rainwater added, below the bundle in yesterday's avocado/onion peel dye, one more day and then I will allow myself to check the results

husband's excellent find


Julie S said…
I love husbands who come with Stuff. And you're not too shabby yourself, look at that table!!!
Nancy said…
Great table! I was thinking dye work also...but my first thought was it looks like a gold mining tool of some sort! Love seeing what you come up with :)
Saskia said…
hi Julie, we just have to love them for it, if they did nothing else than bring home these kinds of things, it would almost be enough....btw have ordered to kill a mocking bird & am relieved you've decided not to keep holding your breath until I did;-)

ah yes Nancy, it does very much resemble a work-table, that has a lot to do with the kind of no-nonsense-materials used to make it I think; it is actually more sturdy than I feared whilst putting it together (it swayed dangerously) 'cos once the legs become connected diagonally the whole gathers intrinsic strength



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