life at home and a few days Paris

One of the highlights of my life happened this Monday:
As I came downstairs into the kitchen I noticed a Great Tit lying on the floor, all flustered and panicky. I imagine he had tried to fly back out again through the windows, and of course failed. I picked him up gently and held him between my two hands as we walked outside. I lay down with him and opened my hands, making cooing, soothing sounds, as one does. He remained in my hand and his tiny claws gripped my fingers, it seemed he did not want to let go. After a while, in this not very comfortable position, I got up and managed to sit down in a chair with my hands in my lap and he leaned against my stomach. His breathing and heart beat had calmed down somewhat, but he was very vigilant, not towards me but our surroundings: as a pigeon flew over casting it's shadow over us, he flinched and when Viggo moved in our direction he hunched a bit lower still. All of a sudden he hopped from my lap onto the armrest, very aware of all that was happening around us. Then he hopped onto the top of my head, I could not believe it, I was delighted. Fortunately I had my phone with me so I could take a selfie of the two of us and then make a video, as of course I could not see self! Tada, he remained sitting there for a couple minutes more, oh my this was the best start of a week any one could wish for.
I thought I was going to report about our short trip to Paris & all the loveliness we experienced there, and the turmoils at home on our three-weeks-without-a-shower episode, which is too boring to record.
I will share photo's of Paris, 'cos it was so great to be back after 35 years....We, i.e. the husband & I (or is that me?) both decided it will be an annual event.
images in no particular order
'Mr.Mole trying to have a conversation with Dæd Bird'
Café de la Poste, where we ate breakfast every morning, day 2 we were considered regulars, as they knew our order and didn't have to pay entire bill!
some advice does not feel like criticism
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And Paris! Maybe someday . . .
Paris for you is a bit like visiting Oregon for me.....who knows some day;-)
And the sweet little bird! Wow! What a beauty, gentle soul. The patient you were and how alert to Everything the little bird was. I loved seeing the head tilt! It was really watching/listening to everything!
I'm enjoying your new stamp work a lot. Mole sure talks with his hands, doesn't he?! lol
What a joy-filled post this was. xo
yes talking with hands, I love painting them: all those tiny fingers, how they have a way of adding [unintended] expression to the figures
the hero of this post is of course that bird on my head, what a great adventure that was