where does inspiration* come from?
I have been looking at the images in the book for a couple of days now and the ones shown here are my absolute favourites. Thinking about what to say I let my eye wander in my studio and noticed the stack of books on the desk and I remembered, correctly, that I had ear-marked this particular poem, after having read it a while back in one of Dee's posts. It seems highly appropriate at this moment in my life.
MAGIC WORDS (after Nalungiaq)
In the very earliest time,
When both people and animals lived on
a person could become an animal if (s)he
wanted to
and an animal could become a human being.
Sometimes they were people
and sometimes animals
and there was no difference.
All spoke the same language.
That was the time when words were like
The human mind had mysterious powers.
A word spoken by chance
might have strange consequences.
It would suddenly come alive
and what people wanted to happen could
happen –
all you had to do was say it.
Nobody could explain this:
That’s the way it was.
Shaking the pumpkin. Traditional Poetry of
the Indian North Americas
Jerome Rothenberg; revised
edition 1991 University of New Mexico Press
I bought the volume in
January 1993 in Amsterdam, where D. and I were living at the time, ha I just noticed both books were bought in the same year
I find myself looking for inspiration in books that have either been with me or my parents for a while now; after the initial relief that her suffering had come to an end and hence my anguish and worries about her seemed to have disappeared into thin air, I woke up with a heavy heart this morning and was rather tearful today: I missed her, the acute realisation of never ever being able to touch her or talk to her again hit me. So, I said to self, this is also part of the mourning process.
*inspirare Latin: to breathe into, to animate
which is to say, there is no right or wrong way ... there is only your way ... and my own experience is although there are ups and downs, the intensity lessens slowly with time ... even so, 12 years on, I still miss my mom
oh I know that feeling Liz, it started even before she had died as we couldn't talk to each other on the phone during her last months on earth! plus despite the pain, I do feel being missed is better than not being missed, right
(((hugs received Nancy)))
in gedachten omarm ik je in de liefde die in alles is
11 jaar geleden mijn mams 10 jaar papa
gevoelens en gedachten maken soms een vlecht tot eenheid verbondenheid