a day in the studio, plus a day later the first birdbox was finished

the dead bird that had become one with a table top now has it's own box; there are more birds (alas) so more boxes will follow

plexiglass on back


Mo Crow said…
Oh thanks for the view of your space & all the interesting things Saskia especially curious about that pair of bird feet holding the dog painting !
Nancy said…
Ha! I noticed those bird feet too! I love looking over all the goodness on the studio work table :)
Saskia said…
hi Mo & Nancy, the bird feet only seem to be supporting the dog in the photo; objects like this end up in my studio, waiting to be useful/used at some time; I've been thinking about making a male pal for GhostBird with those legs
Liz A said…
Our next door neighbor found a dead turkey on his property last week ... I lusted after the feathers, but Don convinced me that it might be rather too much to tackle. Sigh.
i pulled up a chair and just sat,
looking. What WONDER is here...
Saskia said…
oh Liz, why not?

yes Grace i thought you might enjoy this



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