a bit of sunshine can do wonders
Today the weather is almost too fine
Lulling us into the belief Spring has
actually arrived.
Add to this the noisy dawn chorus of bird
gossip this past week: chirrrrrup! tweet-tweet…..ahahahah ooooooee, drrrr ,
drrrrr, rrrrrrrrookoo, rrrrrrrrookoo and we are virtually convinced
a rough transcript of the conversation I overheard this morning:
“I rediscovered last year’s nesting
place, only to find squatters had beat me to it; can you believe that?
Ye-e-eess; I kindly requested they vacate the
premises and do you know how they responded?
In a not so very polite manner they shooooooed me off! told me to get the f* out of their squat and mind my own business. Can you believe that?
Ye-e-eess. So, how about your selves,
have you managed to find a nesting spot?
Indeed we have! Do you know the blue
shed, the one she refers to as ‘her studio’ ?
Well there are several wooden boxes
screwed onto the north-facing wall, we found an empty one and moved in straight
No-o-oooo, good for you!
Ye-e-eess, we feel most fortunate”
And so on, and so forth
"the gossip bird in the three "
a new novelle by Saskia
you are on your place in that bookstore aren't you
groetjes M.
weekly. Lots of gossip about the
cold. Love that soon the yard will
be full of bird song!