sunday's warp&weft
heracleum mantegazzianum = giant hogweed = reuze bereklauw, beautiful and dangerous; fortunately it does not grow in our garden, I see them on my walks in the woods nearby, mighty impressive!
an attempt at wearing my art, it has given me an idea for future projects....the tree is not bashful either and agrees to display both front and back, both sides being of equal importance to me, as those of you who have been following me for a while now will probably know. The piece consists of three bits of home-dyed fabric, two have been woven together with the 4-season tree-lino-print kind of matching up; the stitching is mainly black, white and red and I'm finishing the stitching at the bottom in a darker shade of red and petrol blue (I cannot explain why...something to do with the colours of bottom piece of fabric)
I chose white and black in honour of Jude, as the weaving itself was inspired by her latest class Considering Weave...I was stuck and decided weaving might help me get unstuck, I like the red as a contrast to these two non-colours and it isn't a colour I use a lot, but I do like the boldness of it; maybe will use more of that in future
love your weaving and stitching
the cloth and you become eachother
as in attractively enhance...
Clothing. yes.