letting go = moving on
Sunday I woke up with this thought: 'I'm fed up with the haikus!' followed by a question 'really?' I had to admit to self that that was indeed so.
I then asked husband whether or not I should continue and (of course) his answer was 'if you've had enough, just let it go'
'Today? month hasn't finished yet....' 'yep'
So that is that, the daily haikus have served their purpose and now it feels like I'm on holiday, or completely free to do whatever I want in my studio.
Weird how to begin with the daily routine was a help, which gradually became a heaviness I hadn't realised was more than I wanted or needed. After the show in Buren I was floundering a bit, not quite sure where I was heading. If anywhere....That was where the daily practice and discipline worked for me.
With the upcoming show at the end of September I was musing on how and what to display; what was I going to do with the haikus, the main body of work of these past months? I decided to meet up with local photographer for advice. It was during our conversation I saw a way to exhibit my work, not just the haikus but anything else I made (on paper). Also, a remark he made about my inkwash animals, stuck in my mind and Sunday (after my let-go-of-the-haiku-insight) I KNEW this is the way forward: paint those beings!
What's more, he'll be able to help me with my Dwelling-book ideas. I know I've mentioned wanting to make a book about The Dwelling before, but now I sense it could become a reality, with his help.
BlueLady accompanied by AngelBird, HoppyHare and DarlingDog
as yet untitled but there's definitely a dog
Snoop and I are getting along so much better thanks to excellent advice from a specialist Spaniel trainer! after just one training session with incredibly helpful and insightful tips Snoopy and I are communicating, which makes life so much easier and more importantly so much more FUN together!
We've even been swimming together in nearby river
wishing you well
how perfect to have prompts from others to send you off in a new direction ... I must say I continue to use your calendar from a couple of years ago, changing the view from month to month, enjoying each one all over again ... I'm looking forward to seeing what's next
Glad you and Snoopy are moving forward, together. And the new ideas and collaboration sounds like just what you needed. I love your paintings Saskia. đź’™
thank you for liking them ((Nancy))
I sense a shift in my painterly ambition(s), moving toward what brings me joy rather than mind-games
p.s. all of the above doesn't mean I'll never write/make a haiku again, I simply don't have to prove to self I can anymore....
p.p.s. hopefully the book will materialise, you know how much effort, time et cetera thát costs
p.p.p.s. thanks!x