One month's worth of daily haiku's, I have to admit to being really chuffed with the result and am definitely hooked, determined too to finish an entire year, at the very least......
As it turns out, the daily routine also works as a kind of diary. Of course it is not quite possible to capture éverything I deem noteworthy in 17 syllables, (well not yet anyway, I learn more as I practice more). However I do see how the discipline requires me to focus, which translates into what appears on paper, in words & images. Not every collage I start the day with ends up being used for the end-of-the-day-haiku, nor does every first draft, some days I think I've written what I want to say at 11 a.m. only to realise by 6 p.m. I want to share something else completely....
example of a collage I like, but did not end up using for the haiku
stuff that excites me and makes me happy: we attended an informal talk/interview with ornithologist Ben Koks (on the left), he LOVES birds, especially the Montagu Harrier. We bought his book : Vogels wijzen ons de weg - land bouw en natuur in balans (Birds show us the way - agriculture and nature in balance)
Husband and I were in Berlin for a long weekend. It was our first visit and as we knew nothing about the city I asked around for suggestions, close friend D. recommended Hotel Hansablick which was full of art and close to the Tiergarten. We walked for miles and miles, despite the rain for almost an entire day, Berlin really is an exciting place to be, steeped in history. We also spent a day&night in Magdeburg where we stayed in the Art Hotel, designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser, one of my favourites. I have now read so much more about him and his ideas on life, art et cetera, such an interesting guy.
from Käthe Kollwitz
museum: dry needle etching box, so I can try it at home
entrance to our hotel
view from our hotel, you can catch a glimpse of the river Spree
I wanted to see this Volksbühne am Rosa Luxemburg-Platz, after we had seen the exhilirating ballet performance 'Ophelia's got Talent' last Autumn. I know it's a building, but there is also a dog;-)
sightseeing pics ánd images from
Samurai Museum, full of amazing treasures
Comic store in Prenzlauer Berg, where I bought the above, recommended by youngest son who's big on manga! I have become a fan of all things Japanese
Church built on site of demolished church, along (what remains of ) the Wall
Holocaust Memorial
Egyptian art in Neues Museum
colourful Art Hotel
back home a FullMoon
The work continues does relaxing in the garden....
I realise I want to say so much (too much) it can be overwhelming for the reader, so happy you enjoyed it!!
ps fijne werkjes van jou !! doe verder ! , groet
a completely different picture in my Thank you for this.
the Haiku...just Excellent!!!! how your life and Art have evolved
since i first knew you....Love this.
for me, being elsewhere inspires my mind and furthers my (art)education