private dancer
magic in the air
my desk...
blue dogDogDay walkie walkie talkie talkie well behaved women seldom make history HELLO Let's Do It! b. assez
c. très
every body wants a piece of her 'jái des mains pour te ceuillir'

pray tell me everything's gonna be alright
John Lennon — 'Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.'
yes threads, another social medium I joined, although I don't consciously add, Insta does that for me (on fb too) wish these social media would develop skills like serving me tea during the day and wine in the evenings;-)
p.s. hahahahahaha, had not realised about the egg!!!! thxxxx for noticing, just goes to show my focus isn't 20-20vision
me welkom voelend ga ik verder .... verder in verwondering over de eenvoud van je bijzondere kijk op... een afbeelding /stempel van een lamp/licht wens ik je toe
we kijken steeds maar weer en proberen te blijven ontdekken