Fertile Void

small altar 'give peace a chance'
ca 20 x 22 cm
cardboard/paper/clay/metal thread
what can I say, I love making stuff with 'rubbish' 

(((John Lennon & Yoko Ono)))

'here we are'
ca. 150 x 180 cm
large paper collage
work in progress, moving towards a piece for the exhibition in the synagoge in Buren (mentioned in last post)

below a couple of details:

This piece contains so much for me: images of human beings (strangers from magazines, something I had not considered using before) painted animals, photo's of dogs and buddhas, torn bookpages, paint, paintdrips, the searching. The torn out fragment of an older water colour suggested the title 'here we are' which in turn led to the piece becoming a statement of sorts, an illustration of the human condition....or maybe it's about me and where I am now.
For a while now I felt kinda stuck in my work (or should I say my life?). As this has happened before I wasn't panicking 'bout it, but still sometimes you feel 'maybe this time this does mean the end of me creating, and you wouldn't know for quite a while that it is over until one day you have to conclude it is.'
Fortunately it turns out I was wandering about in the Fertile Void, something important Wendy talked about over at The Well a while back now. What it boils down to, as far as I can tell, is that every now and then you need to slow down completely and sit in that stillness or maybe for you it's turmoil and mayhem, and you might even feel lost and not yourself, BUT but but just let whatever needs to happen, happen! One morning you find yourself waking up feeling refreshed and much much lighter and determined to get going again. 
Well that's how it was for me this time round. That's all for nown folks, it's bye bye from Snoopy and bye bye from me.




deemallon said…
I’m so surprised to read that you have been feeling somewhat stagnant because in the last while I have been so so impressed at how your work is evolving. Unexpected. Original. Wild and expressive.
Saskia said…
thank you Dee! maybe I had to go deep and question self to be able to come out into the light and leap-frog forward (rather mixing metaphors here)
this is how it often works for me
Also, have been making stuff alongside two other artists, the ones I'll be exhibiting with in Buren at end of February 2024, I'm sure there has been cross pollination there
this is

Magnificent! the collage...........YES to all.
Saskia said…
Hi Grace, your encouragement is such a boost for me, thank you
I’m enjoying working on a larger scale, but will never give up the small world…..the Dwellers are impatiently waiting for Christmas decorations…..
Nancy said…
Yes! The paintdrips, the searching...the large size...all of it! This is grand Saskia.
And isn't Snoopy just the softest pup ever?! I really want to pet him :)
I'm glad you've come through the void and I appreciate your take on what it might look like for others. Nice.
Saskia said…
hello Nancy, he is supercute and very huggable (when he's not wriggling and jumping and chasing around!)
Liz A said…
oh those long long legs ... a fitting end to those once-oversized paws ... or are the paws the end of right-sized legs?

I love your calendar from two years ago ... last year I just kept turning the pages from month to month on the wall over my ironing board
Saskia said…
long legs and pretty skinny Liz, I'm feeding him overtime, he's constantly fidgeting (when he's not asleep) hopefully this is 'a phase'
- she sighed with gritted teeth
Patty said…
I love this direction. Reminds me of your earlier pen and ink drawings. I'll
be back to see more of this growth ring.
Saskia said…
big thanks Patty, apologies for extremely late reply!!! have been busy prepping for exhibition which opens tomorrow, as you can see my latest post, bye



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