Summer Time

all the above images are taken in our garden! I'm thrilled so many flowers have made an appearance, despite the long cold wet Spring followed by more than thirty days with no rain! my gardening ethic is no watering (except for potted plants) and observing what plants can manage our particular biotope, tough love
Annual Open Garden Day last Saturday, we did not open our garden to the public but a neighbour further down the road did; I did however exhibit some of my work together with yet another neighbour/friend in their garage, as a bonus for the garden visitors (there was also live music, no pics I'm afraid)
Last Thursday A. and I held our first workshop together in a local school. We had two classes, all in all 40 teenagers.....the first class turned into chaos within the hour, the second after 80 minutes, we learn fast;-)
we had so much fun with the kids and each other we want to do it again!
I was fascinated by the kids' imagination and dedication, despite being distracted by the heat and one another, plus the hormones, I had forgotten what the boys were like at that age (eleven, twelve)
We were allowed to hang the mobile over the canteen bar, where everyone can admire their handiwork. I guess it'll stay there until Summer break.
spotted on dog walk
speaking of dogs, I went to check up on Digger earlier today:
as I type: RAIN
hope you too are enjoying Summer, whatever the weather
and teaching ... such glorious creative chaos ... so glad you want to do it all again
there were also two ladies with quilts and a third with clay sculptures in the outdoors, alas I have no more photo's to share as it became quite busy, and when things quietened down I was off to a birthday party with my husband.
May and June, possibly July and August too, are overflowing with activities
fortunately A. and I were not turned off and together with yet another friend L. we might be able to form a 'workshop-unit'
looking forward to that
(full disclosure: I did have a choice between Digger, Dancer and Duke; Duke resembles my husband's name which is Duco sometimes short Duuk, way too confusing! and I somehow did not hear self calling 'Dancer' so I opted for Digger which felt better, and I do HOPE he does not live up to his name in our garden!) we could of course rename him, but I'm not sure that would prohibit any digging))