groupexhibition at Galerie Brandstof and more

have been painting again, I seem to have dry spells, distracted as I can be by garden dogs friends lectures museum visits trips-away, getting this show together and prepping for market next week! fortunately once I do get going lots turn out
& the wind in my hair I feel a lot
the first room was OBK's bedroom, he was kind enough to stay in bed for the photo
rainbow paper in the entrance hall, matching the rainbow stairs, and below a fleur-de-lis paper for the dining room
still a lot more decorating to do.....
meanwhile home&garden are looking better and better, the building part is done (she said optimistically) I have sown wild flower seed mixes all over the place and after what seemed like weeks of rain which was absolutely perfect for those seeds, we have a green haze in the backyard where everything was dug up during the build: so a clean slate; our front garden well established by now is slowly turning into a jungle
whilst out back it is slowly but surely becoming as green as the painting
and goodness, what great wallpapering ... having worked on painting the interior of a renovated doll house, I know quite well how challenging it is to get into those tight corners!
last, I've quite enjoyed being here for a while ... seeing the rich colors of your home, the kinetic bicycle wheel sculptures, the cunningly curved blue wood struts/braces (?) on either side of the window looking out on the sculptures ... goodness, there's so much to see!
the blue braces are in fact wooden armrests from an old chair that fell apart, I tend to hold on to stuff that might be useful one day, hahahaha
I really do like your quirky, weird (in a good way!) art. Messy Rabbit is my favorite (looks a lot like me! LOL) with the Serious Nordic Walking Lady a very close second.
LOL, At first I thought you were wallpapering your space. I love looking at all the details in the rooms. Every time I look, I see something I missed before. An elephant in the entrance hall! I keep all my elephants in the bedroom. (Imagine that sentence out of context!) They have their own savannah on a dresser top.
OBK is really fond of him/her
fancy your daughter wanting one Nancy, did she have a fishtank?
now I'm wondering what other animals you might have wandering around your house Faith