rocking back and forth

'feeling helpless, in general'

doll stamp from le Tampographe Sardon*, rib cage from family home, home-made ink from lawyer's wig or shaggy cap mushrooms, growing in our garden!

emotions come and go, duh

life's like that Saskia!

today the sun is shining, the house extension is well on it's way, i'm feeling less panicky, quite relaxed in fact

the kids dropped by for the weekend and have left: the youngest drove back to his student digs in his big brother's car, the eldest flew off to Uganda, where he'll  be working on his thesis for the next 3 months

exciting times

i had thought of visiting but the hassle of organising flight, visa, inoculations and dog-care was just too much for me, what with the builders and me sort of assistant-project-manager, I have no more head-space

just snippets of time to make a painting like above, or collage a boat from bits i find on the building site, bottom images

image taken as i stand on the dike looking down upon our house, this is the north-facing side

you can see the builders up on the new roof fixing the skylight! i look forward to lying on the floor in that new living space gazing up at the stars.....the small window in the dormer is our shower window, where i can spot the bats flitting in the crepuscule as i shower...i'm kind of romantic that way

on the right you can just catch a glimpse of my studio 

 feeling grateful, small life-boat



Mo Crow said…
(((Saskia))the new space will be magic & quite soon, love your little lifeboat !
Dana said…
House changes! How exciting! I'm looking forward to the virtual tour.
Saskia said…
that boat feels like a gift Mo
Saskia said…
haha Dana, consider it done asap!
buysse maria said…
als ik me dan héééél goed vast hou aan de mast , mag ik dan mee .... varen op de wilde zee ?
o i love that recycled boat
More romm will be greath , with good north-side isolation , it will be cosie
i guess you have plans for that place.... o yes lay down your bac to see stary storynights ... make the moon bloom and great
big hug
Saskia said…
dag Maria, natuurlijk mag je mee;-)
zo'n verbouwing kost een hoop energie maar we krijgen er wel een hele mooie leefruimte bij!
'make the moon bloom' dat vind ik heel poëtisch gezegd, dank
Nancy said…
Saskia~ Yes, moods and emotions do come and go...glad yours switched quickly. I too can't wait to see the tour! And that boat is really special :)
Saskia said…
that boat was/is a life/spirit-saver Nancy
Liz A said…
I can/can't imagine what it would take to travel overseas ... I don't have a passport and likely never will ... and how wonderful that your son will be able to indulge in memory-walks when he tells you of his travels whilst visiting your newly enlarged home ... it's all good

and yes, the boat is truly a life-saver
Saskia said…
face-timed with him yesterday and got an idea of where he's at right now Liz! pretty amazing
cannot wait for the builders to be done and get everything clean and dust-free again;-)
Gail H said…
Thank you foor this



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