a day in my life

 around the first bend on our morning walk, to get onto the path into the woods, Django and I encounter these men-at-work at the pumping station where the pump is due for replacement; in the meantime a temporary pump is being installed along with pipes that have to run through the dike and across the road, I am impressed by the scale

 it's a misty morning, everything in the woods is quiet and we seem to be alone, apart from the many many birds, chattering; evidence in a broken eggshell

 back to our garden, weather has improved

 another death, alas Spring also means loss of new life

 evening walk: hay-making in the field I mentioned in the last post, Grace

the cracks mean fertile soil=clay and sand, according to our eldest son, who has chosen to go to Wageningen university next year (law in Leiden wasn't his thing) a much more nature oriented study, to do with forest/water/land management, I am very happy for him

our latest addition to the outdoor part of our home-life, an east-facing terrace, to which I added the poles and metal construct on the right this afternoon; it doesn't look like a lot of work, but it actually was; the complete terrace was built by husband, eldest son and self and is a week old!

a small package from Ireland with tara powder and alum, now the dyeing can get going once more....I will have to do a bit more reading in one of my many guide books

 home alone, both boys are away and himself won't be here till later this evening; sometimes it's like that and it doesn't feel completely as it should after nineteen years in a full house. Hence, a solitary meal and as I worked so hard, I felt I deserved a glass of wine, cheers 


the Hay...yes...i can understand now, better....
and am so glad to hear your son's decision....gives me hope

the patio porch is GRAND....i would like to do this too...maybe i will...
and then make such a beauty full meal and lift a glass to you....

this post makes me happy.
Mo Crow said…
love your feather sentinel
Saskia said…
yes Grace, we're hopeful too; he's an optimist and that helps as well, to being hopeful I mean
how perceptive Mo, I picked it up on the evening walk (I'm Always bringing stuff like this home with me)
Nancy said…
What a lovely day in a beautiful space!
Saskia said…
it IS beautiful, we enjoy it so much Nancy
deemallon said…
the actions of young people like your son are among the only things that give me hope these days... the earth and future generations need young men like him!
Saskia said…
we are very happy he has made this decision, suits him personally and yes of course it will be beneficial to us all...



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