I was never too sure about the quick painting I'd made 'in dog we trust' especially the lower part and the lettering, so I got to reworking it; I started last week and choked, omg what was I thinking? and had I not lost all? 'kill your darlings' came to mind, I do that a lot actually, but I told self: keep the faith (haha) and trust it ís going to work, cut cut snip snip ink-wash-paint, add a dab of white gouache; again use the lettering, this time yet another new set I had forgotten about, hmm something still missing.....
feeling the words on the left needed to be balanced and not having much to add, I simply mirrored them on the right, and so
in dog we trust becomes tsurt ew god ni
whereby the new sentence holds one non-nonsensical word, which contains a multitude of sins and excuses, comforts and boosters all at once, very much depending upon your point of view as regards spiritual, religious, et cetera matters.....
some days I simply feel the urge to express the absurdity of everything
anyway, I love the sneak preview on Instagram and then the anticipation of when I'll be able to get through to the backstory ... always worth the wait
the cowboy boots (for that is what your whimsical feet bring to mind) are a wonderful through line for your creatures ... and the rubber stamped letters ... well, I've always loved words, including asemic ones
and thank you for a new word in my vocabulary: asemic! your comments always give me food for thought and are much appreciated; after having read the definition as copied below, I do believe I will be writing more such asemic {non}sense;-)
Asemic: 'using lines and symbols that look like writing, but do not have any meaning: Asemic writing is left to the reader to interpret, almost like the way in which one would deduce meaning from abstract art.
The key to asemic writing is that even though it is traditionally "unreadable" it still maintains a strong attractive appeal to the reader's eye.
In its most extreme form, this can lead to concrete poetry or asemic writing.
An asemic text is international, and may be "read" in a similar fashion regardless of the reader's natural language.
With the non specificity of asemic writing there comes a vacuum of meaning which is left for the reader to fill in and interpret.' online Cambridge Dictionary